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“We’re all 18th Edition”

We’re delighted to announce that all of our operatives are Certified in 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations (BS7671:2018).

18th Edition Regs Book

What is the 18th Edition of the IET wiring regulations?

The IET wiring regulations, which is sometimes referred to as ‘the Regs’, is the industry bible. BS7671 sets the standard for electrical installations in the UK and many other countries. The 18th Edition of the wiring regulations is the latest update to the standards that went live on 1st July 2018.

This new standard is an essential qualification for those working in the electrical industry. Because of this we rolled out a training programme in March for all contracts managers and electricians to transition to the 18th Edition. All of our operatives attended a City & Guilds 3 day course so that they were able to gain in depth knowledge on the amendments . And because we like to be at the forefront of our field, we’re all qualified before the July deadline. And so, as a company we are now ready for any projects designed in compliance with BS7671:2018. Our clients will have peace of mind knowing that Lillekers are up to date with the latest industry standards. We will continue to work safely and competently throughout electrical installation, maintenance and testing projects.

To find out more about 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations and what the changes might mean for you click here: 
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